10 Sep 2018

The Importance of Industrial Odour Control

Issues with industrial odours can be generated by many different processes. They are caused by a range of organisations who specialise in waste disposal, food manufacturing and also in chemical processing. Some of the common types of processes that cause industrial odour include:

– Old, large equipment that requires repairing or some kind of maintenance

– Microorganism (mainly bacteria and fungi) formation from decomposition

– Processes in production which cause poor odours to be released

Industrial odours can also be intensified from environmental factors like high temperatures, for example. They also travel further distances from strong winds and changing wind direction. With cities and towns continuing to grow, industrial facilities are facing even bigger challenges to control odour in their surrounding area.


One of the major concerns surrounding the odour from facilities is the impact it has on pollution. Odour build up that’s spreading across busy cities and towns means complaints can arise from local residents. This means organisations have to act sufficiently from any complaints they receive or face Government action. News escalating to media outlets can also be damaging to an organisation’s reputation. Although it’s important to contain odours within the factory facility, it can contribute to employees and staff being exposed to odours that can damage their health. This is why odour control needs to be fitted correctly within facilities.

Odour Nullification

It’s crucial that industrial odours are neutralised correctly. Organisations can be penalised heavily if they don’t comply with the regulations and as a result, face serious fines. It’s important that organisations follow best practices for industrial odour control to make sure they are emitted correctly.

Examples of Solutions:

Odour Control Chemicals

There are several odour control chemicals available that can help to subsidise offensive odours such as hydrogen and ammonia. These can be applied in different ways so it may be worth consulting with your relevant supplier about what the solution is for your industrial odour control requirements.

Activated Charcoal

A form of carbon, activated charcoal is a common solution for dealing with offensive odours. It helps to remove particular VOC’s (volatile organic compounds) from the air by soaking up the odours that pass through it. This causes it to saturate quicker which means it has to be replaced regularly.


Installing the correct ductwork into a facility can help to deal with indoor air quality and the reduction of poor odours in the air. It’s common for most industrial sites to install ductwork for odour control purposes.

Scrubber Systems

Air scrubbing systems can be found commonly in sites like manufacturing plants and refineries that specialise in petrol. They work by filtering contaminated air though scrubbing liquid which can either be water or a chemical solution. The particles are collected by the scrubbing liquid which can then be separated from the solution and disposed of safely after being treated.

With continuous scrutiny being aimed at industrial sites and their contribution to air pollution, it’s important to get the correct advice. Odour control experts should always be considered when it comes to choosing the correct solutions for removing industrial odours. In doing so, organisations can adhere to regulations and requirements and create a safer environment.

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